
Together We Learn, We Grow, We Succeed!

Kia Ako, Kia Tupu, Kia Angitu Tātou!

You are warmly welcomed to join a great team at Nga Iwi School!

You are welcome to contact Mrs Joy Harrison our Office Administrator to meet with our Principal Mrs Michelle Fepuleai before your child starts school.

We will be delighted to help you with enrolment enquiries and share our school information pack.

Standard Enrolments

For students who have already started school and wish to enrol at Nga Iwi School our doors are always open!  Just come into the office and speak with our administration team who will give you details on how enrolments work.  

New Entrant Transition Visits

Children turning 5 and just starting school are expected to participate in 2 pre-enrolment visits prior to starting at Nga Iwi School.  We have strong relationships with the early childhood centres close to us and these visits are often carried out with them.  If you are new to the area and/or your child has not yet had the pre-enrolement visits, please come into the office to arrange times and dates for these visits to take place.

We have two intakes for new entrant students per term - week 1 and week 5.  Students who have their birthdays in the middle of the term, will need to arrange their pre-school visits and discuss with our office manager which intake their child will be in.

Inductions with the Principal

Getting to know new families is important to us.  Our principal Mrs Fepuleai welcomes all new families with an 'induction chat' to share our school values and expectations, while giving you an opportunities to ask any questions or queries you may have for you child's enrolment.  We like to arrange these chats on the day your child starts, however if time doesn't allow on the day, we are happy to schedule a time for you to chat with Mrs Fepuleai and get to know us.